The complete platform to manage links

Favorurl lets you understand more about click-through of your links. We give you a huge marketing tool with advanced URLs tracking system for free without any hidden commitments.


The most advanced custom URL shortening technology

Simplify your links, track & manage them. Create shorter, more powerful links your customers will trust.

Fast & Reliable

99.9% Guaranteed service uptime. Hosted in multiple countries on Amazon AWS

Secure Links

Most advanced safety tools like 2FA - internal audits. Monitored 24/7 by human and artificial intelligence

Real-time Analytics

Let your links get useful information about how, where and when someone clicked or touched the link.

Attract More Clicks

Control how your links look, show your audience where you’re sending them before they click.

Detailed Analytics

Create Click-Worthy Links

Track each shortened link in real-time and measure its performance to understand it. Detailed analytics provides you info about clicks, social media clicks, page referrer, devices, browsers, systems, geo location.


Stop wasting time with generic
URL Shorteners

Start Favorurl Now